The Master Switch
The Master Switch
At TMS, we review a lot of gear. Speakers, headphones, amps, receivers, weird lightbulb thingies that make sound…the whole shebang. And if you want to get your headphones/amp/receiver/ weird lightbulb thingy reviewed here, that’s cool too. We love new gear.
Everything we review gets an in-depth on-site review, and a full video breakdown. Doesn’t matter if it’s a $7,000 amp or a $70 pair of earbuds, everything gets the same love.
Typically, we run a three-month lead time from when we receive the review model.
We will keep all gear and packaging in pristine condition. We respect our review equipment, and touch wood, we haven’t had a problem yet.
Usually? No. We typically return after one month, even if the review isn’t immediately published. We’re flexible, though, so let us know if you need something back sooner.
Some companies do let us keep the review gear. Every year, we sell as much excess equipment as we can, and donate the proceeds to the Canadian Civil Liberties Assocation.
Nope - sorry. Indie site, small budget and all.
You’re responsible for any courier fees to our office in Vancouver, BC, both ways, and any taxes or duties. We’ll advise on how to keep these to a minimum when we agree to review something.
Tough. We don’t compromise our opinions. Ever.
That’s cool. We’re human, and we screw up. Let us know, and we’ll fix things.
Glad you asked.
We don't do that here. While it's immensely valuable, if you know what you're doing and can interpret it, we don't think it makes sense for readers. Saying a pair of headphones has a slight bump at the 5kHz region is interesting...but not actually that useful.
We test our gear like someone who buys it might: over time, in different circumstances, using different equipment and sources. We spend hours listening to/using our review gear, and by the time we've spent a month with something, we're pretty sure about its good and bad points. We have a standard stable of cans/amps/preamps/DACs/receivers/speakers that we are intimately familiar with, and which we use for baseline testing. That's about as scientific as we get.
No biggie. Maybe you can send it to our writer in the UK. Either way, get at us, and we’ll make a plan.