Looking for advice on your gear?

Want to get in touch? Got an opinion? Need help? Then by all means, fill in the box below or see this page

We're happy to help with whatever you need. However, please please read the following:

  • We get a TON of queries, so don't be bummed out if we don't reply right away.
  • Asking a zillion questions in one email isn't a good way to get us to help you. One or two focused questions are much better. 
  • No, we don't know why your amp is broken. Please don't ask us. We won't be answering queries like this in future - unless you've got a general question about an audio problem, it's best to contact the manufacturer.
  • Don't just say "Please recommend me a tube amp." We'll just link you to an article on this site. Asking about whether we'd pick Product A or Product B is usually fine!
  • Want to offer us SEO services? Linkback requests? Please don't - we're good. For realz. Oh, and shouts to the dude who wanted to buy our whole site for $500. We love you, Anthony.
  • We are genuinely not interested in your app building services/blog-writing offers/web design company. We don't care. We will ignore you. If we want those things, and you're good enough, we will find you.
  • Please do remember to say thank you if we've helped you - it's always appreciated. You'd be amazed how many people just don't bother. 
  • We don't sell things ourselves. We can't recommend local dealers in your area. And no, we are not interested in investing in your company. Please don't ask.
  • BIG DISCLAIMER: We offer advice only, and we're not responsible for anything that happens after you take it. We don't represent the people who make audio gear - we just have opinions on their stuff. If you blow things up / buy something you don't want / have anything else go wrong in any way whatsoever, it's your own responsibility, even if you followed our advice. If you email us, you agree that you have read and understand this. Muchas gracias.
  • PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not email expressing anger that our opinions are different to your preferred audio site. We're not them. We have our own opinions, and while we're happy to discuss and defend them, we won't change them simply because other sites think differently.

Can you review my amp/headphones/speakers?

Yes! Absolutely.

Here are our full review guidelines. We go through a lot of gear, with a new review and video every week, and we love doing it. 

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